
ESP Modeler 1.1 requires IRIXTM 5.2 or higher and a minimum of 32MB of RAM and 4MB of disk space.

Installing the Software

Click on the link below to install ESP Modeler 1.1. If you are using an SGI version of Netscape Navigator the Software Manager program will automatically be started.

Install ESP Modeler 1.1

If you do not have an SGI version of Netscape Navigator, save the distribution to a file and run the following commands in a UNIX Shell window:

Licensing the Software

ESP Modeler will operate in a "demo" mode without a software license. In "demo" mode you won't be able to save or print your 3D models. To get a 45-day trial license or to order a permanent license please see our Software Licensing pages.

Using ESP Modeler

Just bring up the Icon Catalog (Find->Icon Catalog->Applications) and click on the index tabs to get a list of sections; choose ESP from the list.

There will be two icons visible - one for the modeler program and another with a space ship for the 'GL Trek' game. Double-click on either to start them. The executables are in /usr/esp/bin if you have an aversion to iconic interfaces.

The modeling program has online help which should be enough to get you going in the right direction.

If You Have Problems

If you have problems, please contact Easy Software Products via EMail ( or via telephone at (301) 373-9603.

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